Install System Workbench for ST Nucleo

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Register on the website and search for STM32CubeMX.

Download the file (at the time of the tutorial) and extract the executable.

Install following the instructions.

Note 20/04/2020: you don't need anymore the open source System Workbench, only the STM32CubeMX. If you installed System Workbench before, at some time it will ask you to update the driver in order to see the board. You should see it in "Your Computer" and be able to drag and drop the .bin file from the IDE to the device.

Creating a new project[edit]

Start STM32CubeMX. Go to File -> New -> New STM32 Project

Go to the Board Selection tab, and select Nucleo-L432KC.

It's good to enable FreeRTOS. So activate it in Middleware -> FREERTOS .

Then, go to System Core -> SYS, and select TIM6 as Timebase Source.