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I/O Schema

PB3 [O] [O] PB4
    [ ] [O] PB5
    [ ] [I] PA11
PA0 [I] [O] PA8
PA1 [I] [x] PC15
PA3 [I] [x] PC14
PA4 [O] [O] PB1
PA5 [o] [y] PB6
PA6 [o] [y] PB7
PA7 [O] [O] PB0
PA2 [I] [O] PA12
    [ ] [ ]
    [ ] [ ]
GND [ ] [ ] RX
5V  [ ] [ ] TX

O = normal output (0-3.3v)

I = configurable as interrupt

o = reduced output (0-1.8v)

x = output not working

y = 1.8-3.3v output