Installing Video/Audio device
Installing Video/Audio device
The chosen device is a Nanopi M4 from FriendlyElec.
Estimated hardware costs:
Per device: $ 80.97, including:
- Board; - Power adapter and cable; - Heat sink; - EMMC module (16GB); - American/European adapter.
Plus, shipping costs ($ 11.00).
In the case of fast and secure shipping with DHL (recommended), an average of $ 5.00, plus the VAT on the entire costs will be added.
Total cost: € 85 (plus VAT) per piece.
Download the 'Official-ROMs-eMMC-20190718.7z' file from the FriendlyArm Google repository (about 16GB).
Then, extract the 'rk3399-eflasher-friendlydesktop-bionic-4.4-arm64-20190718.img' file and flash it through balenaEtcher to a (minimum 16GB) SD card.
Insert both the eMMC module and the SD card on the NanoPI M4 device, and power on it. Connect a monitor and a keyboard/mouse to the device, and flash the eMMC module. Then remove the SD card and restart it.